Children of the Lost Gods unites legendary heroes and villains from Ancient Greek lore. It's a retelling of classic sagas that were about adventure, friendship, and family.
Imprisoned in the tallest tower in Ancient Greece, most of what Icarus knew in life he learned from his father, the brilliant craftsman Daedalus. Detained by King Minos, they were forced to create the world's most advanced weapons for the King's army. Unable to continue living as captives, they devised a plan to build mechanical wings to fly off the tower. But when the Royal Guards arrive to take Daedalus away, only Icarus manages to escape. The boy glides off the roof and out to sea without the ability to control his flight path.
Icarus will come to realize that all roads lead to the Labyrinth. King Minos plans to sacrifice Daedalus and all the mythical creatures in Ancient Greece to the Minotaur to attain Godlike power. It's up to Icarus and some unlikely heroes he meets along the way to save the world.
Learn more about the book.
Short video samples of the Prologue and Chapter 1.